This cameo from the Ofsted report should I believe be a model for primary education.The full report is here.
Example of outstanding practice
Exceptionally detailed planning and provision for English, including English as an additional language, makes a key contribution to effective learning in all subjects.
The school has a range of policies, action planning and guidance which are based on specific analysis of its own pupils’ needs and progress, and which are backed by support by the co-ordinator while another teacher takes her class for mathematics. Policies have a very clear balance between speaking, listening, reading and writing skills, each of which is considered in detail, both in terms of its own development and for its contribution to the overall development of language and literacy. They include all provisions of the national literacy strategy, with three or four additional lessons each week devoted to aspects of literacy – such as handwriting, hearing children read, and the use of literacy in other subjects, that the school sees as needing attention beyond the normal literacy hour.
The main policy is supported by detailed policies for speaking and listening and learning, handwriting, and assessment of writing. The policies are followed by teachers across all subjects. Guidance on grouping pupils flexibly for particular purposes makes a key contribution to learning by ensuring that work is matched to individual needs, and that pupils’ work throughout the day equips them with the English skills they need to succeed in secondary school. The policy for the assessment has very effective arrangements for setting targets for groups and classes, and for involving pupils, so that they have a clear view of their own targets and progress.
Policies and guidance are based on extensive knowledge of all areas of the subject. The policies demonstrate have a very clear vision of effective structures for planning and teaching, couched in an economical and understandable way for teachers to follow. They pervade the whole school and are a key factor in its success