Eleanor Harding of The Mail has a succinct account of new evidence from brain scans, from Dr John Hutton of Cincinnati Children's hospital, showing that regular bedtime stories increase brain activity in areas associated with understanding meaning. Well worth reading, and a fine example of educational journalism, seeking out new evidence - in this case from a conference in San Diego - that most of us would not otherwise see.
Dr Hutton owns the delightfully-named Blue Manatee children's bookstore in Cincinnati (click on the manatee to visit the site) and below is a screen shot from his video urging parents to "unplug" children and return to human communication. Click on the picture for a link to the video on Cincinatti Children's Hospital's site.
Dr John Hutton reading a story to children and a parent at Blue Manatee Bookstore, Cincinnati.
The brain research confirms the wide-ranging evidence in the UK of the benefits to children of active interaction with their parents, and perhaps also the consequences of its absence. In the early years of the last century, widespread malnutrition led to rickets. Modern intellectual neglect has similar consequences for the mind. I must admit, I love manatees - the ultimate in peaceful creatures. So here is another pic...